TYPO3 University Days 2023 – (a)live again – September 19 + 20
(a)live again – that is the motto of the TYPO3 University Days 2023, which makes our hearts beat faster. Already for the eighth time T3UD will take place and this time finally on site, just (a)live again! We are very happy to welcome you as TYPO3 users, agencies, developers and enthusiasts on the campus of h_da University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt from September 19 to 20 to the T3UD23 again in person. On September 19 we start at 10 a.m. (registration and first coffee from 8:30 a.m.).
Over the years, the TYPO3 University Days have established themselves as an excellent platform to promote TYPO3-related information and exchange among colleges, universities and scientific institutions from the (predominantly) German-speaking area (DACH) and to strengthen the foundation for the daily work with TYPO3 in university life.
The University Days offer you the opportunity to exchange knowledge, ideas and innovations in an inspiring environment. This year we were able to attract a number of first-class agencies from the TYPO3 environment with outstanding speakers. From informative lectures to interactive discussions and networking opportunities, we look forward to a varied program and of course to all the personal encounters.
We want to celebrate together (a)live again and spend an enriching time together: Expand our knowledge, make new contacts and gain insights for tomorrow's work.
We look forward to seeing you!
Best regards
the TYPO3 Academic Committee (T3AC)
Mailing list for TYPO3 universities
The mailing list typo3-universities@lists.univie.ac.at is available for all TYPO users from universities and research institutions. It is used for exchange and mutual support and replaces a previous list that is no longer maintained. Subscribe to the new list and stay up to date. Attention: The list does not serve to organize the TYPO3 University Days.