Directions & Map

Interactive map - Building C19

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By public transport or taxi

The central campus on Schöfferstraße can be reached by public transport using bus lines H and F and tram lines 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9. The bus stop of bus line H is called "Hochschule". If you are taking the F-Bus or the tram, please get off at the "Berliner Allee" stop.

When arriving by taxi, please state "Schöfferstraße 3" as the destination. This is where the high-rise building (Building C10) of the university is located at the center of the campus.

By car

Since the parking spaces around the campus are limited, we recommend arriving by public transport, on foot or by bicycle.

Coming from Basel/Heidelberg/Frankfurt (A 5) or from Cologne/Wiesbaden/Mannheim (A 67), take exit 26 towards Darmstadt/Stadtmitte/Griesheim. Driving towards the city, you will reach the Rheinstraße via the B 26. Turn right onto Berliner Allee in the direction of Heidelberg/Höchst i.Odw. After approx. 500m turn left onto Holzhofallee, then left again onto Schöfferstraße, where the central campus of the university is located.

By bicycle

As in many other cities, there is also the DB bicycle rental system "Call-a-bike" in Darmstadt, which offers the opportunity to rent a bike at a reasonable price.

All important transport hubs such as the main train station, Luisenplatz and the central campus of the university have bicycle stations. In addition, there are numerous bike racks throughout the campus for those arriving by bike.

If you come by bike, you can best reach the central campus of the university by following these routes:

Coming from Luisenplatz/city center:
Follow Rheinstraße for about 1 km in the direction of the main train station. After you have passed Hindenburgstraße, turn into Albert-Schweitzer-Anlage. Follow this road until you come to Havelstrasse. Turn right into Havelstrasse. If you follow this for about 200m, you will reach the central campus of the university on Schöfferstrasse on the left-hand side.

Coming from the main train station:
Leave the Platz der Deutschen Einheit at the main train station in the direction of Berliner Allee. Cross Berliner Allee in the direction of Haardtring and take the first left onto Spreestrasse. Follow the course of Spreestrasse and turn right into the first crossroad, Havelstrasse. Following Havelstraße, you will find the university's central campus on the right-hand side in Schöfferstraße.


University of Applied Sciences

Schöfferstraße 3 | 64295 Darmstadt
Venue: building C19
